Muto: the all-in-one mobility management platform

[Utrecht/Antwerp, May 22, 2024] – XPOfleet, the market leader in fleet and mobility management software, is launching Muto. Muto is an innovative mobility platform that allows you to manage all forms of business mobility. From car to bicycle and from mobility card to even the charging station at home. Muto also tracks suppliers, contracts and budgets, all in one seamless environment.
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Once designed to manage a fleet of vehicles, much mobility management software has difficulty dealing with today’s wide range of business mobility services. As a result, Fleet Managers, HR Managers, and Finance and Procurement departments house all these new forms of mobility in separate management software. Indeed, many mobility managers still traditionally work with Excel sheets: error-prone and time-consuming.

Moving with the times

XPOfleet, the market leader in fleet and mobility management software, is now launching a mobility platform that does accommodate the management of all types of mobility. It is called Muto. That Muto is derived from the Latin word for change is no coincidence. As an all-in-one mobility management platform, Muto moves with the rapidly changing mobility needs in organizations. In fact, Muto puts all employees, vehicles, mobility services, contracts and suppliers conveniently side by side. All seamlessly in one web-based environment.

Eric van Bael, CEO of XPOFleet, believes that Muto is a true game-changer: “The combination of a user-friendly interface, extensive functionalities and the ability to make data-driven decisions on sustainable business mobility is unique.”

The employee is central

Muto is an employee-centered platform. It even allows employees to create their own mobility plan. Muto indicates their budget (and the impact on their salary), then they choose the mobility mix that suits their needs. Such a flexible mobility policy significantly increases employee satisfaction. Not surprising in times of scarce skilled personnel.

Easy management and overview

Muto is easy to use and also a secure form of data management. Muto is 100% hosted in Europe. Muto takes most of the data entry and administrative tasks off your hands. Importing large data files is a piece of cake, thanks in part to links and integrations with systems and suppliers. Various dashboards provide relevant insights such as trends and deadlines.

Try for free

Muto has been live since May 22, 2024. The free version offers the opportunity to try out all of Muto’s features up to a number of 10 employees. For larger companies, there is a temporary introductory price of 2 euros per employee per month, regardless of how many assets (car, bike, mobility card, charging station) the employee uses. Also unique: the platform is improving every day. Based on comments from the user community, Muto is constantly adding new features and expanding existing ones.

About XPOfleet

Muto is een product van XPOfleet, de marktleider op het gebied van fleet-en mobility management software. Als dochter van Fleet Support, maakt XPOfleet onderdeel uit van AutoBinck Group, waar onder meer ook Mobinck en SnappCar onder vallen. AutoBinck Group is met 1.700 werknemers een grote en gerenommeerde speler binnen de mobiliteitswereld.

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